Our boat had been lying unloved and neglected for 6 years before we found her.
As we travelled from Datteln in the north of Germany down to Straßburg in France, where we had a place in a marina which allowed boat owners to work on their own boats, something which has become a rarity these days, our boat lost more and more of her paint and filler, and with more rust showing through, she drew rather a lot of attention from other boaters and indeed the water police!
We had taken on a huge amount of work which only became apparent when our boat was out of water in Straßburg and we began to strip away the somewhat camouflaging layers. We felt awed by the task, yes, but not helpless before it. Rather, we felt INSPIRED by it.
Here is someone else who was also inspired by Sulina, an urban sketcher from Straßburg.
Over the course of time, I hope to put information and pictures of various stages of the transformation of our boat on this post. Keep tuned if you're interested!